## ## Proxomitron Config File ## [Global] Enable = TRUE FreezeGIF = FALSE FilterHTML = FALSE FilterHeadersOut = TRUE FilterHeadersIn = TRUE EnableProxy = FALSE EnableAutoRun = FALSE ForceTextures = FALSE NoTextures = FALSE SysTray = TRUE Promiscuous = TRUE UseSSLeay = FALSE LowHTTP = TRUE NoCmdURL = TRUE PriorityBoost = TRUE AccessRange = Port = 8080 MaxCapURL = 100 [WinSizes] Win.00 = 310:152:714:447 Win.01 = 310:152:714:447 Win.02 = 272:104:751:496 Win.03 = 338:215:685:384 Win.04 = 338:6:731:499 Win.05 = 156:137:643:429 Win.06 = 5:41:473:139 Win.07 = 5:146:473:252 Win.08 = 363:268:739:395 [Blocklists] [HTTP headers] In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "URL-Killer: kill-a-URL (out)" URL = "$LST(AdList)" Replace = "URL killed \k" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "URL: Enable Netscape Keywords (Out)" URL = "[^./]+/(^?)&\w[a-z]&$RDIR(http://keyword.netscape.com/keyword/\h)" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "URL: Alias Redirector (Out)" URL = ".$LST(JumpList)" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Authorization: Example password entry (out)" URL = "www.needspassword.com/this/area/protected.html" Replace = "basic bWljaGllOm5lb24temVicmE=" In = TRUE Out = TRUE Key = "Cache-Control: allways cache (in)" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Connection: Close all connections (In+Out)" Replace = "close" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Content-Type: character set filter (in)" Match = "text/html;*charset*" Replace = "text/html" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Content-Type: Fix MIME types (In)" Match = "text/plain$URL([^/]+*.([a-z0-9]+{2,5}(^?)&$LST(MIME-List)))" Replace = "\0" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Content-Type: Show contents of .pac files" Match = "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" Replace = "text/plain" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Content-Type: View RealAudio links" Match = "*realaudio*" Replace = "text/html" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Cookie: Fake a cookie (out)" Match = "*" Replace = "monster" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Cookie: Kill a cookie (out)" URL = "(^$LST(CookieList))" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Expires: allways cache (in)" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Forwarded:" Replace = "\h" In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "host:" Match = "*" Replace = "m.skype.com" In = TRUE Out = FALSE Key = "host:" Match = "*" Replace = "m.facebook.com" In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "https" Match = "*" Replace = "http://https" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "If-Modified-Since: Always reload pages (Out)" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Last-Modified: (In)" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = TRUE Key = "Pragma: Don't force reloads" Match = "no-cache" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Proxy-Authorization: Send password to proxy server" Replace = "basic cHJveHl1c2VyOnByb3h5cGFzcw==" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Referer: Hide where we've been (Out)" Match = "*" Replace = "\u" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Set-cookie: Make all cookies session only" URL = "(^$LST(CookieList))" Match = "?&(\#; expires=[^;]+)+\#" Replace = "\@" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "Set-cookie: Never accept cookies (In)" URL = "(^$LST(CookieList))" Match = "*" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "User-Agent:" Match = "*" Replace = "SpaceBison/0.01 [fu] (Win67; X; ShonenKnife)" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "WWW-Authenticate: filter out password requests (in)" Match = "Basic*realm="*"" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "X-Forwarded-For:" Replace = "yahoo.com, microsoft.com, netscape.com, aol.com, \h" In = FALSE Out = FALSE Key = "X-ONLINE-HOST:all" Replace = "$GET(\u#?m.skype.com)" [Patterns] Name = "Banner Replacer" Active = FALSE Limit = 800 Match = "\0" "&(*(href|src)=$LST(AdKeys)|" "(*width=[#460-480] & *height=[#55-60])|" "(*width=[#88] & *height=[#31]))*" Replace = "\0" Name = "Area Map Ad Blaster" Active = TRUE Multi = TRUE Bounds = "]+> "" Limit = 800 Match = "*usemap*>*" "&*(ads.|log_click|/ad|clickthru|(banner|ad|acct|source|click)(id|)=|adbanner|clicker|sponsor|adver| ?promo|redirect)*" "&*\3" Replace = "" Name = "Area Map Ad Blaster pt2 (show all links)" Active = TRUE Multi = TRUE Bounds = "*" Limit = 800 Match = "\1 \4" Replace = " \1 [\3] \4 " Name = "Kill JavaScript Banners" Active = TRUE Bounds = "" Limit = 500 Match = "*(://($LST(AdList)&([a-z0-9.-]+)\1)|" "(\=?\=?\=?\=?)$SET(1=JS-Ad))" "&*>\0" Replace = "<\1>" "" "\0" Name = "Kill Hyper Banner" Active = TRUE Bounds = """ Limit = 5000 Match = "*code=("|)(scroll|NavigatorTicker|movie|WSSApplet|hyper).class*" Replace = "[JavaApp Killed]" Name = "Counter Killer" Active = FALSE Limit = 256 Match = "\1src=("|)(\w[^a-z_](the|)count\w|http://\w(cgi-bin|\?)\w) \2" Replace = "\1 src="\dhtml/killed.gif" \2" Name = "Kill all Images on selected pages" Active = TRUE URL = "$LST(NoImages)" Limit = 256 Match = "\1src=[^ >]+\2&(^*height=[#3:16])" Replace = "\1 border=1 " "src="\dhtml/killed.gif" \2" Name = "Webpage Background Killer" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Limit = 200 Match = "" "" "" Replace = "" "" "" Name = "Webpage Background Replacer" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Limit = 200 Match = "" "" "" Replace = "" "" "" Name = "Kill All Backgrounds (even tables)" Active = FALSE Limit = 20 Match = "background=" Replace = "nobak=" Name = "Sounds to links" Active = FALSE Limit = 1024 Match = "*src=("*'|\w)\1&(*type=(\w)\2|$SET(2=AV-Killed))*" Replace = "[\2]" Name = "Sound Silencer" Active = FALSE Limit = 20 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Embedded MIDI Silencer" Active = FALSE Bounds = """ Limit = 256 Match = "*src=("*'|\w)\1*&*(.mid|midi)" Replace = """ Name = "Freeze font's face" Active = FALSE Limit = 80 Match = """ Replace = """ Name = "Onload unloader" Active = FALSE Limit = 20 Match = "onload=" Replace = "LoadOff=" Name = "OnUnload unloader" Active = TRUE Multi = TRUE Limit = 20 Match = "onunload=" Replace = "UnLoadOff=" Name = "Kill All pop-up windows" Active = TRUE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "" "PrxRealOpen=window.open; " "function PrxNullWin(){this.window;} " "function PrxOpen(url,nam,atr){return(new PrxNullWin());} " "window.open=PrxOpen;" "\r\n" Name = "Restore pop-up windows after page loads" Active = TRUE Limit = 256 Match = """ Replace = "\r\n" Name = "Link De-Obfuscator" Active = TRUE Limit = 50 Match = "onmouseover=("*.status=)\1" Replace = "nomouseover=\1" Name = "Anti-Auto-Refresher" Active = FALSE Bounds = "" Limit = 256 Match = "*http-equiv=("|)refresh*content=("|) [#2:10000](*url=("|)([^"' ]+)\1|)*" Replace = "" Name = "Wordwrap all form textboxes" Active = FALSE Limit = 128 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "GeoCities branding killer" Active = FALSE URL = "*.geocities." Limit = 2500 Match = "" Replace = "[GeoBrand killed]" Name = "Kill add-on JavaScripts " Active = TRUE Multi = TRUE Limit = 1024 Match = "\1" Replace = "[PostScript Killed]" Name = "Suppress all JavaScript errors" Active = TRUE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "\n" Name = "Kill alert/confirm boxes" Active = TRUE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "" "function NoBox(txt){ return(1);} " "window.alert=NoBox; window.confirm=NoBox; window.prompt=NoBox;" "function submit(){return(NULL);}" "\n" Name = "Stop browser window resizing" Active = TRUE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "" "function moveTo(){return true;}" "function resizeTo(){return true;}" "\n" Name = "Stop status bar scrollers" Active = FALSE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "\n" Name = "Kill Dynamic HTML JavaScripts" Active = FALSE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "" "document.write=NoWrite; " "document.writeln=NoWrite; " "\n" Name = "Stop JavaScript Timers" Active = FALSE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "\n" Name = "Disable JavaScript" Active = FALSE Limit = 128 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Kill Nosey JavaScripts" Active = FALSE Bounds = "" Limit = 16000 Match = "*(.(referrer|plugins|cookie|colorDepth|pixelDepth|external)|history.length)*" Name = "Disable JavaScript (and meta) cookies" Active = FALSE URL = "(^$LST(CookieList))" Limit = 128 Match = ".cookie(*[(Smile=])\1|http-equiv="Set-Cookie"" Replace = ".Cracker\1" Name = "Hide Browser's Referrer from JS" Active = TRUE Limit = 15 Match = ".referrer" Replace = ".referrer.substr(0,0)+"http://www.mmjp.or.jp/knife/"" Name = "Hide Browser's Version from JS" Active = FALSE Limit = 25 Match = "navigator.appVersion" Replace = "'2.1'" Name = "Hide Browser's Identity from JS" Active = FALSE Limit = 25 Match = "navigator.(appName|userAgent)" Replace = "'ShonenScape'" Name = "Allow right mouse click" Active = FALSE Limit = 256 Match = ".(onmousedown=|captureEvents\()\1" Replace = ".PrxOff_\1" Name = "Kill the worst Pop-Up windows" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Bounds = "" Limit = 1024 Match = "\1(window.open|open) \(\2" Replace = "\n\1 null; foo=(\2" Name = "Kill window.external methods" Active = TRUE Limit = 40 Match = "window.external.[^(]+" Replace = "null; " Name = "Stop OnMouseOver events" Active = FALSE Limit = 20 Match = "onmouseover=" Replace = "OnPheasantOver=" Name = "Frame Jumper-Outer" Active = TRUE Multi = TRUE Limit = 128 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Kill Style Sheets" Active = FALSE Limit = 4096 Match = "" Name = "Kill Layers" Active = TRUE Limit = 20 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "iFrame/iLayer to link" Active = FALSE Bounds = "" Limit = 1000 Match = "" Replace = "[\0]" Name = "Frame Exploder" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Limit = 4096 Match = """ Replace = "" "if (top.location != location){" "window.open(location.href); window.close(); " "} " Name = "Kill top of page frame" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Bounds = " " Limit = 150 Match = "\1 rows=("|)[#20:90] , (\*|100%)["' ] \3 " Replace = "\1 rows="0,*" \3" Name = "Kill bottom of page frame" Active = FALSE Multi = TRUE Bounds = " " Limit = 150 Match = "\1 rows=("|)\* , [#10:100]["' ] \3 " Replace = "\1 rows="*,0" \3" Name = "Allow for frame resizing" Active = TRUE Bounds = """ Limit = 256 Match = "(\#((frameborder|border)=\w|noresize|=(0|"0")$SET(\#==1 )))+ \1 >" Replace = "\@\1 border=1>" Name = "DeFramer" Active = FALSE Limit = 40 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Convert Frames to Links" Active = FALSE Limit = 256 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Kill meta tags that prevent page caching" Active = TRUE Limit = 30 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Skinnier Table Border" Active = FALSE Limit = 128 Match = "" Replace = "" Name = "Foreign content-type filter" Active = FALSE Bounds = "" Limit = 256 Match = "*http-equiv="content-type"*charset=*" Replace = "" [Proxies] Random = TRUE OpenLog = TRUE >